Program documentation

Preparing input

There are two simple inputs to inStrain: a .fasta file and a mapping file in .bam format. A third, a prodigal .faa file, can be used in later steps Here we go over some considerations involved in choosing these inputs.

Preparing the .fasta file

A .fasta file contains the DNA sequences of the contigs that you map your reads to. Choosing what .fasta you will use (consensus / reference genomes) is extremely important and will affect the interpretation of your inStrain results. Below we describe the three most common strategies.

Please note that the .fasta file must always be the same as, or a subset of, the .fasta file used to create the .bam file, i.e. the .fasta file that reads were mapped to.

Using a single genome .FASTA file

If your .fasta file is a single genome, the main consideration is that it should be a good representitive genome for some organism in your sample. Ideally, it was assembled directly from that sample, isolated from that sample, or you have some other evidence that this genome is highly representation of a species in that sample. Regardless, you should check your inStrain plot output and scaffold_info.tsv output file to be sure that your inStrain run had decent coverage and breadth of coverage of the genome that you use before attempting to interpret the results.

Remember, your .fasta file can be a subset of the .fasta file that was used to create the .bam file. You can create a BAM with all dereplicated genomes from your environment, but then just pass a .fasta file for only the genomes of particular interest. This approach is recommended as opposed to creating a BAM for just each genome, as it reduces mismapping.

Using a metagenomic assembly

You can also pass inStrain an entire metagenomic assembly from a sample, including either binned or unbinned contigs. In this case, the output inStrain profile will include population information for each contig in the set. To then break it down by microbial genome / species, You can use inStrain genome_wide including a scaffold to bin file to generate results by genome.

Preparing the .bam file

inStrain requires paired-end Illumina read sequencing. We recommend using Bowtie2 to map your reads to your genome.

Bowtie2 default parameters are what we use for mapping, but it may be worth playing around with them to see how different settings perform on your data. It is important to note that the -X flag (capital X) is the expected insert length and is by default 500. In many cases (e.g., 2x250 bp or simply datasets with longer inserts) it may be worthwhile to increase this value up to -X 1000 for passing to bowtie2.

Preparing the prodigal .fna genes file for gene-level profiling

You can run prodigal on your .fasta file to generate the .fna file with the gene-level information that inStrain profile_genes requires.


$ prodigal -i assembly.fasta -d genes.fna

Module descriptions

The functionality of inStrain is broken up into modules. To see a list of available modules, check the help:

$ inStrain -h

             ...::: inStrain v1.0.0 :::...

Matt Olm and Alex Crits-Christoph. MIT License. Banfield Lab, UC Berkeley. 2019

Choose one of the operations below for more detailed help. See for documentation.
Example: inStrain profile -h

 profile         -> Create an inStrain profile (microdiversity analysis) from a mapping.
 compare         -> Compare multiple inStrain profiles (popANI, coverage_overlap, etc.)
 profile_genes   -> Calculate gene-level metrics on an inStrain profile
 genome_wide     -> Calculate genome-level metrics on an inStrain profile
 quick_profile   -> Quickly calculate coverage and breadth of a mapping using coverM
 filter_reads    -> Commands related to filtering reads from .bam files
 plot            -> Make figures from the results of "profile" or "compare"
 other           -> Other miscellaneous operations


An IS_profile (inStrain profile) is created by running the inStrain profile command. It contains all of the program’s internal workings, cached data, and output is stored. Additional modules can then be run on an IS_profile (to analyze genes, compare profiles, etc.), and there is lots of nice cached data stored in it that can be accessed using python.

Example output and explanations
For help finding where the output from your run is located in the IS_profile
Advanced use
For access to the raw internal data (which can be very useful)


The most complex part of inStrain, and must be run before any other modules can be. The functionality of profile is broken into several steps.

First, all reads in the .bam file are filtered to only keep those that map with sufficient quality. Reads must be paired (all non-paired reads will be filtered out) and an additional set of filters are applied to the read pair (not the individual reads). Command line parameters can be adjusted to change the specifics, but in general:

  • Pairs must be mapped in the proper orientation with an expected insert size. The minimum insert distance can be set with a command line parameter. The maximum insert distance is a multiple of the median insert distance. So if pairs have a median insert size of 500bp, by default all pairs with insert sizes over 1500bp will be excluded.
  • Pairs must have a minimum mapQ score. MapQ scores are confusing and how they’re calculated varies based on the mapping algorithm being used, but are meant to represent both the number of mismatches in the mapping and how unique that mapping is. With bowtie2, if the read maps equally well to two positions on the genome, its mapQ score will be set to 2. The read in the pair with the higher mapQ is used for the pair.
  • Pairs must be above some minimum nucleotide identity (ANI) value. For example if reads in a pair are 100bp each, and each read has a single mismatch, the ANI of that pair would be 0.99

Next, using only read pairs that pass filters, a number of microdiveristy metrics are calculated on a scaffold-by-scaffold basis. This includes:

  • Calculate the coverage at each position along the scaffold
  • Calculate the nucleotide diversity at each position along the scaffold in which the coverage is greater than the min_cov argument. The formula for calculating nucleotide diversity is the sum of the frequency of each base squared - [(frequency of A)^2 + (frequency of C)^2 + (frequency of G)^2 + (frequency of T)^2 ]. This microdiversity definition is nice because it is not effected by coverage
  • Identify SNPs. The criteria for being called a SNP are 1) More than min_cov number of bases at that position, 2) More than min_freq percentage of reads that are a variant base, 3) The number of reads with the variant base is more than the null model for that coverage. The null model describes the probability that the number of true reads that support a variant base could be due to random mutation error, assuming Q30 score. The default false discovery rate with the null model is 1e-6 (one in a million)
  • Calculate linkage between SNPs on the same read pair. For each pair harboring a SNP, calculate the linkage of that SNP with other SNPs within that same pair. This is only done for pairs of SNPs that are both on at least MIN_SNP reads
  • Calculate scaffold-level properties. These include things like the overall coverage, breadth of coverage, average nucleotide identity (ANI) between the reads and the reference genome, and the expected breadth of coverage based on that true coverage.

Finally, this information is stored as an IS_profile object. This includes the locations of SNPs, the number of read pairs that passed filters (and other information) for each scaffold, the linkage between SNV pairs, ect.

See also

Example output and explanations
For help interpreting the output
Advanced use
For access to the raw internal data (which can be very useful)
For information about the pitfalls and other things to consider when running inStrain

To see the command-line options, check the help:

$ inStrain profile -h
usage: inStrain profile [-o OUTPUT] [-p PROCESSES] [-d] [-h]
                        [-l min_read_ani] [--min_mapq MIN_MAPQ]
                        [--max_insert_relative MAX_INSERT_RELATIVE]
                        [--min_insert MIN_INSERT] [-c MIN_COV] [-f MIN_FREQ]
                        [-fdr FDR] [-s MIN_SNP]
                        [--min_scaffold_reads min_scaffold_reads]
                        [--store_everything] [--skip_mm_profiling]
                        [--scaffolds_to_profile SCAFFOLDS_TO_PROFILE]
                        bam fasta

  bam                   Sorted .bam file
  fasta                 Fasta file the bam is mapped to

  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output prefix (default: inStrain)

  -p PROCESSES, --processes PROCESSES
                        Number of processes to use (default: 6)
  -d, --debug           Make extra debugging output (default: False)
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -l min_read_ani, --min_read_ani min_read_ani
                        Minimum percent identity of read pairs to consensus to
                        use the reads. Must be >, not >= (default: 0.95)
  --min_mapq MIN_MAPQ   Minimum mapq score of EITHER read in a pair to use
                        that pair. Must be >, not >= (default: -1)
  --max_insert_relative MAX_INSERT_RELATIVE
                        Multiplier to determine maximum insert size between
                        two reads - default is to use 3x median insert size.
                        Must be >, not >= (default: 3)
  --min_insert MIN_INSERT
                        Minimum insert size between two reads - default is 50
                        bp. If two reads are 50bp each and overlap completely,
                        their insert will be 50. Must be >, not >= (default:

  -c MIN_COV, --min_cov MIN_COV
                        Minimum coverage to call an variant (default: 5)
  -f MIN_FREQ, --min_freq MIN_FREQ
                        Minimum SNP frequency to confirm a SNV (both this AND
                        the FDR snp count cutoff must be true to call a SNP).
                        (default: 0.05)
  -fdr FDR, --fdr FDR   SNP false discovery rate- based on simulation data
                        with a 0.1 percent error rate (Q30) (default: 1e-06)

  -s MIN_SNP, --min_snp MIN_SNP
                        Absolute minimum number of reads connecting two SNPs
                        to calculate LD between them. (default: 20)
  --min_scaffold_reads min_scaffold_reads
                        Minimum number of reads mapping to a scaffold to
                        proceed with profiling it (default: 0)
  --store_everything    Store intermediate dictionaries in the pickle file;
                        will result in significantly more RAM and disk usage
                        (default: False)
  --skip_mm_profiling   Dont perform analysis on an mm level; saves RAM and
                        time (default: False)
  --scaffolds_to_profile SCAFFOLDS_TO_PROFILE
                        Path to a file containing a list of scaffolds to
                        profile- if provided will ONLY profile those scaffolds
                        (default: None)


Compare provides the ability to compare two IS_profile folders (created by running inStrain profile). Both IS_profile objects must created based on mapping to the same .bam file for compare to work.

inStrain compare compares a set of different IS_profile folders (created by running inStrain profile). These IS_profile folders represent sets of different sample reads mapped to the same .fasta file. To use, we recommend assembly and binning of each sample, and then dereplication of genomes using the software dRep ( at a high percent ANI, e.g. 96%-99%. Samples which contain multiple populations of the same dRep cluster (members of similar species or sub-species) can then be mapped back to the best genome from this dRep cluster, and then inStrain should be run on these dRep cluster genomes.


inStrain can only compare read profiles that have been mapped to the same .fasta file

Compare does pair-wise comparisons between each input IS_profile. For each pair, a series of steps are undertaken.

  1. All positions in which both IS_profile objects have at least min_cov coverage (5x by default) are identified. This information can be stored in the output by using the flag –store_coverage_overlap, but due to it’s size, it’s not stored by default
  2. Each position identified in step 1 is compared. If the flag –compare_consensus_bases is used, the consensus base at each position is compared. That means that if the position is 60% A 40% G in sample 1, and 40% A 60% G in sample 2, they will considered different. By default, however, this position would be considered the same. The way that is compares positions is by testing whether the consensus base in sample 1 is detected at all in sample 2 and vice-verse. Detection of an allele in a sample is based on that allele being above the set -min_freq and -fdr. All detected differences between each pair of samples can be reported if the flag –store_mismatch_locations is set.
  3. The coverage overlap and the average nucleotide identify for each scaffold is reported. For details on how this is done, see Example output and explanations

To see the command-line options, check the help:

$ inStrain compare -h
usage: inStrain compare -i [INPUT [INPUT ...]] [-o OUTPUT] [-p PROCESSES] [-d]
                        [-h] [-c MIN_COV] [-f MIN_FREQ] [-fdr FDR]
                        [-s SCAFFOLDS] [--store_coverage_overlap]
                        [--include_self_comparisons] [--greedy_clustering]
                        [--g_ani G_ANI] [--g_cov G_COV] [--g_mm G_MM]

  -i [INPUT [INPUT ...]], --input [INPUT [INPUT ...]]
                        A list of inStrain objects, all mapped to the same
                        .fasta file (default: None)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output prefix (default: instrainComparer)

  -p PROCESSES, --processes PROCESSES
                        Number of processes to use (default: 6)
  -d, --debug           Make extra debugging output (default: False)
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -c MIN_COV, --min_cov MIN_COV
                        Minimum coverage to call an variant (default: 5)
  -f MIN_FREQ, --min_freq MIN_FREQ
                        Minimum SNP frequency to confirm a SNV (both this AND
                        the FDR snp count cutoff must be true to call a SNP).
                        (default: 0.05)
  -fdr FDR, --fdr FDR   SNP false discovery rate- based on simulation data
                        with a 0.1 percent error rate (Q30) (default: 1e-06)

  -s SCAFFOLDS, --scaffolds SCAFFOLDS
                        Location to a list of scaffolds to compare. You can
                        also make this a .fasta file and it will load the
                        scaffold names (default: None)
                        Also store coverage overlap on an mm level (default:
                        Store the locations of SNPs (default: False)
                        Only compare consensus bases; dont look for lower
                        frequency SNPs when calculating ANI (default: False)
                        Also compare IS profiles against themself (default:

  --greedy_clustering   Dont do pair-wise comparisons, do greedy clustering to
                        only find the number of clsuters. If this is set, use
                        the parameters below as well (default: False)
  --g_ani G_ANI         ANI threshold for greedy clustering- put the fraction
                        not the percentage (e.g. 0.99, not 99) (default: 0.99)
  --g_cov G_COV         Alignment coverage for greedy clustering- put the
                        fraction not the percentage (e.g. 0.5, not 10)
                        (default: 0.99)
  --g_mm G_MM           Maximum read mismatch level (default: 100)


After running inStrain profile on a sample, you can calculate the coverage, microdiveristy, and SNP type for each gene. You do this by providing a file of gene calls. See doc:example_output for example results, and doc:preparing_input for information about creating the input file.

To see the command-line options, check the help:

$ inStrain profile_genes -h
usage: inStrain profile_genes -i IS -g GENE_FILE [-p PROCESSES] [-d] [-h]

-i IS, --IS IS        an inStrain profile object (default: None)
-g GENE_FILE, --gene_file GENE_FILE
                      Path to prodigal .fna genes file. (default: None)

                      Number of processes to use (default: 6)
-d, --debug           Make extra debugging output (default: False)
-h, --help            show this help message and exit


After running inStrain profile, most results are presented on a scaffold-by-scaffold basis. To have the results summarized in a genome-by-genome way instead, you can use the module inStrain genome_wide. It is also required to run this module before making plots.

There are a number of ways of telling inStrain which scaffold belongs to which genome

  1. Individual .fasta files. As recommended in preparing_input, if you want to run inStrain on multiple genomes in the same sample, you should first concatenate all of the individual genomes into a single .fasta file and map to that. To view the results of the individual genomes used to create the concatenated .fasta file, you can pass a list of the individual .fasta files to *inStrain genome_wide. (e.g. inStrain genome_wide -i inStrain_folder -s genome1.fasta genome2.fasta genome3.fasta)
  2. Scaffold to bin file. This text file consists of two columns, with one column listing the scaffold name, and the second column listing the genome bin name. Columns should be separated by tabs.
  3. Nothing. If all of your scaffolds belong to the same genome, by running inStrain genome_wide without any -s options it will summarize the results of all scaffolds together.

The flag –mm_level produces output for each mm. You probably don’t want this. For information on what I mean by mm_level see Advanced use, for information on the output see Example output and explanations

To see the command-line options, check the help:

$ inStrain genome_wide -h
usage: inStrain genome_wide -i IS [-s [STB [STB ...]]] [--mm_level]
                          [-p PROCESSES] [-d] [-h]

-i IS, --IS IS        an inStrain profile object (default: None)
-s [STB [STB ...]], --stb [STB [STB ...]]
                      Scaffold to bin. This can be a file with each line
                      listing a scaffold and a bin name, tab-seperated. This
                      can also be a space-seperated list of .fasta files,
                      with one genome per .fasta file. If nothing is
                      provided, all scaffolds will be treated as belonging
                      to the same genome (default: [])
--mm_level            Create files on the mm level (see documentation for
                      info) (default: False)

                      Number of processes to use (default: 6)
-d, --debug           Make extra debugging output (default: False)
-h, --help            show this help message and exit


This is a quirky module that is not really related to any of the others. It is used to quickly profile a .bam file to pull out scaffolds from genomes that are at a sufficient breadth.

To use it you must provide a .bam file, the .fasta file that you mapped to to generate the .bam file, and a scaffold to bin file (see above section for details). The stringent_breadth_cutoff removed scaffolds entirely which have less breath than this (used to make the program run faster and produce smaller output). All scaffolds from genomes with at least the breadth_cutoff are then written to a file. In this way, you can then choose to run inStrain profile only on scaffolds from genomes that known to be of sufficient breadth, speeding up the run and reducing RAM usage (though not by much).

To see the command-line options, check the help:

$ inStrain quick_profile -h
usage: inStrain quick_profile -b BAM -f FASTA -s STB [-o OUTPUT]
                            [-p PROCESSES] [-d] [-h]
                            [--breadth_cutoff BREADTH_CUTOFF]
                            [--stringent_breadth_cutoff STRINGENT_BREADTH_CUTOFF]

-b BAM, --bam BAM     A bam file to profile (default: None)
-f FASTA, --fasta FASTA
                      The .fasta file to profile (default: None)
-s STB, --stb STB     Scaffold to bin file for genome-wide coverage and
                      breadth (default: None)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                      Output prefix (default: None)

                      Number of processes to use (default: 6)
-d, --debug           Make extra debugging output (default: False)
-h, --help            show this help message and exit

--breadth_cutoff BREADTH_CUTOFF
                      Minimum breadth to pull scaffolds (default: 0.5)
--stringent_breadth_cutoff STRINGENT_BREADTH_CUTOFF
                      Minimum breadth to let scaffold into coverm raw
                      results (default: 0.01)


This module produces plots based on the results of inStrain profile and inStrain compare. In both cases, before plots can be made, inStrain genome_wide must be run on the output folder first. In order to make plots 8 and 9, inStrain profile_genes must be run first as well.

The recommended way of running this module is with the default -pl a. It will just try and make all of the plots that it can, and will tell you about any plots that it fails to make.

See Example output and explanations for an example of the plots it can make.

To see the command-line options, check the help:

$ inStrain plot -h
usage: inStrain plot -i IS [-pl [PLOTS [PLOTS ...]]] [-p PROCESSES] [-d] [-h]

  -i IS, --IS IS        an inStrain profile object (default: None)
  -pl [PLOTS [PLOTS ...]], --plots [PLOTS [PLOTS ...]]
                        Plots. Input 'all' or 'a' to plot all
                        1) Coverage and breadth vs. read mismatches
                        2) Genome-wide microdiversity metrics
                        3) Read-level ANI distribution
                        4) Major allele frequencies
                        5) Linkage decay
                        6) Read filtering plots
                        7) Scaffold inspection plot (large)
                        8) Linkage with SNP type (GENES REQUIRED)
                        9) Gene histograms (GENES REQUIRED)
                        10) Compare dendrograms (RUN ON COMPARE; NOT PROFILE)
                         (default: a)

  -p PROCESSES, --processes PROCESSES
                        Number of processes to use (default: 6)
  -d, --debug           Make extra debugging output (default: False)
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


This module holds odds and ends functionalities. As of version 1.0.0, all it can do is convert old IS_profile objects (>v0.3.0) to newer versions (v0.8.0). As the code base around inStrain matures, we expect more functionalities to be included here.

To see the command-line options, check the help:

$ inStrain other -h
usage: inStrain other [-p PROCESSES] [-d] [-h] [--old_IS OLD_IS]

  -p PROCESSES, --processes PROCESSES
                        Number of processes to use (default: 6)
  -d, --debug           Make extra debugging output (default: False)
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --old_IS OLD_IS       Convert an old inStrain version object to the newer
                        version. (default: None)